New Belgium has been a staple in the Craft Beer market for quite awhile now. We were very excited when they finally started distributing to Massachusetts a little while back. With beers like their signature Fat Tire, Voodoo Ranger IPA, Juicy Haze IPA and many of their limited releases, New Belgium is a no-brainer! Come on down and join us on March 29th from 5 pm to 7 pm for a taste through their lineup.
-Colonial Spirits Beer Team

New to the state, but already making waves, New Belgium is here to stay. We’ll have them come in for a tasting to help support our $13.99 12 pack price. It’s a good deal for good beer, but it is always smart to try it before you buy it. Fat Tire, Citradelic, and more will be poured for you sampling pleasure.

It seems to me that the average beer consumer is decidedly more experienced than other consumers of alcoholic beverages. I’d like to think that beer enthusiasts possess a sense of adventure that drives them to try as many new beers as possible. Logic tells me that this level of experience is also supported by the simple fact that beer lends itself, due to accessibility, variety, ease of consumption and price, to easy experimentation. One does not really consider drinking a quick bottle of wine at the bar on the way home from work. The liver stamina required to support the exploration of multiple wines or liquors isn’t available to many of us, not to mention that it is likely to be prohibitively expensive. Certainly there are ways to explore and enjoy wine, such as visiting a beautiful wine region like Sonoma County. I am mainly referring to more of the daily approach to consuming – purchasing from your favorite purveyor of libations. Beer, in its glorious variety, is readily available at stores and bars and there is little to stand in the way of simply having a beer. This means that enthusiasts and casual drinkers alike can quite easily discover the world of beer. From that, I have interesting conversations about beer with people almost every day. Continue reading Beers we can’t get.