As some of you may remember, we had a number of themed tastings throughout 2013. They usually took place once a month with about 24 or so bottles being poured. The Collective Nic has decided to build upon this idea, but instead of having only one weekend dedicated to a particular theme, we will have a whole month dedicated to it instead. The new tastings won’t be as big, but by spreading them out, the new format will allow more people to partake; we know how busy things can get when you are trying to make it to soccer practice and dance recital. In addition to the tastings, we will also be putting together a seminar-style class for each month’s theme. Because of space limitations, these classes will not be open to walk-in customers and are only available to those that sign up for them (15 people MAX). Classes will be free of charge, unless otherwise stated, and will take place on either a Thursday or a Friday night.
Here is a list of the themes for each month..
February : Sparkling Wines (Thursday 13 February)
March : South America (Thursday 20 March) Click here for more info.
April : Rhone & Rhone Rangers (Thursday 10 April with Sue Nordberg)
May : Rose (Friday 30 May from 7 to 8)
June : California
July : Canceled
August : Canceled
September : Canceled
October : Bordeaux & Washington (Tuesday, Oct 28th from 7-9PM)
November : Burgundy & Oregon
For those that are extremely interested in a particular class and will schedule their month around that class please feel free to email either Nic H (nic@colonialspirits.com) or Nic C (nicolay@colonialspirits.com) to sign up.
My girlfriend and I would be very interested in attending this seminar.
Ryan & Indigo
Hey Ryan and Indigo,
You are more than welcome to stop by. We have a couple of open seats still.
See you there.