Why is this Wine on Sale? Is there Something Wrong with it?

Why is it that when we see something on sale we immediately assume there is something wrong with it? More specifically, why does that question seem to make more sense at a wine shop than at a grocery store? To help ease your troubled minds I thought it appropriate to address any questions in relation to this matter.

As you all already know, there is nothing like a GOOD sale… It is safe to say we all shop sales as much as we can because who really wants to pay $4.99 for a package of double stuffed Oreos when you could be paying the same for two packages. The same is true for wine… We know that Kendall-Jackson Chardonnay at $14.99 is a good deal, but at $10.98 it is even better (expect this price some time in the next couple of months). But what about the wines that we don’t recognize; are those still good? To answer your questions as simply as possible; yes! There is nothing wrong with the wines that we currently have on sale, it’s just a matter of figuring out what kind of sale it is. Continue reading Why is this Wine on Sale? Is there Something Wrong with it?

2014 Tasting (and Seminar) Series

As some of you may remember, we had a number of themed tastings throughout 2013. They usually took place once a month with about 24 or so bottles being poured. The Collective Nic has decided to build upon this idea, but instead of having only one weekend dedicated to a particular theme, we will have a whole month dedicated to it instead. The new tastings won’t be as big, but by spreading them out, the new format will allow more people to partake; we know how busy things can get when you are trying to make it to soccer practice and dance recital. In addition to the tastings, we will also be putting together a seminar-style class for each month’s theme. Because of space limitations, these classes will not be open to walk-in customers and are only available to those that sign up for them (15 people MAX). Classes will be free of charge, unless otherwise stated, and will take place on either a Thursday or a Friday night.

Here is a list of the themes for each month.. Continue reading 2014 Tasting (and Seminar) Series

Colonial Spirits Delivers Has Record Month for Boston Alcohol Delivery

The recent holiday season truly brought reason for good cheer to everyone here at Colonial Spirits Delivers. Having enjoyed an excellent year throughout 2013, the company finished the year with our most successful month since we first launched our Boston alcohol delivery website in the spring of 2011.

When Colonial Spirits Delivers was launched as Colonial Spirits of Acton’s e-commerce arm, we had just one simple goal in mind: offer our customers an easy and convenient way to buy alcohol online. Little did we think that, from our humble beginnings, our service would expand to become synonymous with liquor delivery to Boston and the rest of Massachusetts. Continue reading Colonial Spirits Delivers Has Record Month for Boston Alcohol Delivery

To the House: The Rising Trend of Convenient Wine Delivery in Boston

A December 27, 2013 article on the Boston Globe website details the growing trend of alcohol delivery in Massachusetts despite the ambiguity of the state’s laws regarding the service. Having libations delivered to your doorstep sounds like an extremely useful service. However, there are strict regulations regarding the sale and consumption of alcohol in Massachusetts. Continue reading To the House: The Rising Trend of Convenient Wine Delivery in Boston

Indian Hill Music Sponsorship Event

We are very pleased to host a special event in support of a great local business – Indian Hill Music, the premier music education center in metro-west.  Together we would like to thank the generous supporters of Indian Hill Music as well as introduce business partnership and advertising opportunities to our community and friends.  There will be wine and beer tasting, appetizers and live music.

If you are interested in Indian Hill’s business community and would like to learn more about supporting the best local music school in the area, please contact: mary@indianhillmusic.org or call (978) 486-9524 x107

This event  will be held at Colonial Spirits of Acton on Wednesday, January 29, 2014 from 5:30-7:00 pm   RSVP is required Continue reading Indian Hill Music Sponsorship Event

Wines and Beers on Discount This Month from Boston Liquor Delivery Company Colonial Spirits Delivers

Get up to a 31% discount on your favorite wines and beers through a trusted service which provides liquor delivery in Boston. Specials are good until January 31, 2014.

Liquor, beer, and wine prices don’t get any lower than this! Continue reading Wines and Beers on Discount This Month from Boston Liquor Delivery Company Colonial Spirits Delivers