For the second year in a row we will host the Goose Island Black Friday Bourbon Country release. This was a huge success last year and we don’t see why it won’t be again. We will be opening our doors at 9am on Friday, November 25th. Once the doors open, we will be funneling people into our tasting room where we will have the Barleywine, Coffee, and Brand Stout. It will be first come, first serve, so I would recommend getting here early. To put it in perspective, the first people showed up last year around 5:30am. We will have a limit on the Brand Stout, but it will be over a case. We have not decided the limits on the Barleywine yet, but due to the lack of stock on Coffee, we will be limiting it to one bottle per person. We will also have previous years’ Barleywine and Brand Stout for sale as well.

While waiting in line and walking around the store, we will be pouring samples of the 2016 Brand Stout, 2014 Brand Stout and 2014 Barleywine as well as be handing out free pastries. Hopefully everyone will not eat so much the day before that they cannot wolf down a few sweet treats.


A couple of weeks ago we spent a good chunk of time installing a new piece of shelving in beer-land, and since then I’ve been slowly expanding some of our selections and introducing some new products.  I’ve gotten a fair few requests for more efficiently spreading the word about the arrival of limited release beers and oddities that come our way, so now we’ve given them a dedicated spot:  the experiment area.  The top two shelves, all the way to the right, are now going to play host to whatever odds and ends arrive that wouldn’t otherwise have a home… for example, right now I have some Troeg’s Flying Mouflan (Nugget Nectar on steroids!), The Alchemist’s “Celia” Saison (gluten-free from a brewery rarely seen in MA!), and the Stone/Bottleworks “13” collaboration brew.

Additionally, I’d like to use this area to evaluate how customers feel about beers I’m on the fence about stocking.  In the coming days you’ll find a chalk board next to the experiments, and the names of any beers that I’m looking for input on… chalk up a tally mark next to things you’ve tried and liked, and those that are popular will become permanent fixtures of the beer shelves.

Lastly, I’m going to try and tweet out the limited beers (those that don’t have waiting lists) as they arrive, so if you want to be alerted whenever some new goodies show up, follow us on Twitter @ColonialSpirits .